Sunday, December 4, 2016

Good evening lovely people!

Who am I, you ask? Where did I come from?

Such great questions, thanks for asking! I am going to start with the where...Pacifica, the most beautiful little coastal city I was blessed to be raised in. I am from the beach, my toes are in the sand a lot of my days and my vehicles rust to pieces, I take the good with the bad here, wouldn't have it any other way. It is a special place close to so much but so far from it all also, there is good and bad in that too.

Now let's get to who...I am...very important 2 words, what comes after those words is where we lose total control. Do you have some judgments already based on the small amount of information you have so far about me? If you do, you may hear the answer to that different than someone who is not quick to judge. What I mean by not being quick to judge, is being in the present moment with me. The HERE, The NOW, because who I am as I write this is going to change with each minute, hour or day.  We all have so many roles throughout our lives and that is what we usually use to define who we are, in that sense...I am a woman, mother, friend, daughter, sister, aunty, YOGINI and many other people to other people, those are the most important to me, the roles that are deep in my heart and the ones that keep me surviving.

The role of being a yogi in my life is truly what helps me do all the other things the best I can. I cherish this practice in all it's forms. It helps, heals, strengthens, and stretches the body and the mind. It is a personal practice for every person and I invite you to give it a chance to come into your life and blossom into the brightest light that lights you up from the inside and helps you find your way in the darkest of times. You literally breathe life back into your life saving it.

I hope to see you on the mat one day, where we can open our hearts, our minds and our bodies finding peace within and taking it out into the world.

The light in me honors the light in you, Namaste my friends!

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